Re-Hiring Freelancers for Brand Consistency: Building Strong Foundations for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you’ve likely relied on the expertise of freelance graphic designers, web designers, or copywriters to create the essential building blocks of your brand collateral. It’s time to consider the power of re-hiring these talented freelancers for brand consistency. Are you sticking with the same freelance designers and copywriters each time you have a marketing need? Or are you finding someone new each time based on your current budget? If you’re in a non-committal relationship with freelancers, it could be costing you more than you realize.

Brand Consistency: The Backbone of Your Brand Identity

Brand consistency is the backbone of your brand identity. Just as a sturdy ship relies on its supporting structures to weather storms and remain resilient, your brand identity finds strength in the consistent message it conveys to your audience. Like a ship that maintains its course despite the relentless waves, brand consistency ensures that your brand maintains a clear and focused trajectory, leaving competitors in awe of your unwavering presence. In a stormy sea of ever-changing trends, it is the sturdy backbone of brand consistency that anchors your business, guiding it through challenges and propelling it toward success.

Your marketing collateral should exude the same look, feel, and tone, from one piece to the next. Imagine the well-known brand Under Armour–whether you encounter their ads, store signage, or website, you’ll experience the same seamless and consistent brand experience. On the other hand, each time you hire a new designer or copywriter for your marketing needs, you risk losing your brand’s essence from one piece to another, especially if there’s no brand guideline in place. This inconsistency in creative direction can lead to miscommunication, brand confusion, and even a lack of professionalism, resulting in a subpar customer experience.

Brand Consistency Saves Time, Boosts Efficiency

Working with the same pool of talented freelancers offers significant time-saving advantages. With established relationships, you spend less time explaining the nuances of your brand and the details of your goals. The expectations for turnaround time and communication flow are already set, streamlining the entire process. Freelancers who are familiar with your brand, audience, and services will have a head start in understanding your objectives and how to execute them effectively. This familiarity allows them to deliver results more efficiently, ultimately saving you time and effort.

Building Brand Equity with Every Project

Choosing freelancers based solely on pricing might seem like a cost-effective decision at first, but re-hiring experienced talent who is already acquainted with your brand can bring numerous long-term benefits. By maintaining brand consistency, you’re building brand equity with each project completed by the same freelancers. Your brand equity grows stronger as the freelancers become intimately familiar with your brand identity and your customer audience, resulting in higher brand recognition and trust among your target audience.

How to Find the Right Resources for Your Marketing Needs

While it’s true that sometimes a freelancer relationship may not work out as expected, that doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. If you are encountering challenges and are not getting results that align with your vision for your brand, don’t worry. I’m here to help you find the right resources that fit your needs and your budget. Schedule a free 30-minute call to discuss your wants and your budget and we can set you off in the right direction with the right resources! Together, we’ll ensure your brand consistency remains unwavering and your small business thrives with a compelling and unified brand identity.

Re-hiring freelancers for brand consistency is a strategic move that enhances your brand’s impact and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. By working with the same talented freelancers, you’re laying strong foundations for your small business to flourish and make a lasting mark in your industry. Embrace the power of consistency, build brand equity, and let your brand shine like never before.